Monday, 5 March 2012

General Life Update

Today it is 24˚C in Dallas and I am composing this, in my head, as I sit on the office balcony sunbathing. It’s a hard life, right? We don’t have patio furniture yet so I’m sitting on stone tiles which may as well be made from lava the amount they have burnt through my jeans. I wouldn’t be surprised if I had third degree burns on my rear-end right now!

Rooftop sunbathing/ass-burning location

I haven’t written in a little while as was waiting for something awe inspiring to be worth writing about. Two and a half weeks later, I have come to realize it’s up to me to make my fairly average life worth reading, awe or no awe. So here comes a brief update of my last few weeks, uneventful maybe, but as you all love me, read on anyway.

I guess I’ll work my way backwards. On Saturday I went to a black tie event at the Dallas Museum of Art. Having never been to a black tie event before, I had to 1) realize what was actually appropriate for a black tie do and 2) go shopping for an outfit as the aforementioned appropriateness was not fulfilled by anything in my short-skirted wardrobe (apparently mid-thigh length cocktail dresses are a no-no, who’d have thought it?!) I was actually very glad I chose classy over leggy as when I got to the event, the few people in short skirts stood out like sore thumbs, and the added tendency of theirs to not move from within five feet of the bar gave them a wide berth. *smug* It was a really fun night. There was exclusive entry into the museum’s latest exhibition, a live band, food, not to mention an open bar! I didn’t have a hangover the next day which probably means I didn’t make the most of the free booze but all in all, a winner.

Had a meeting on Friday for a charity event I’m going to help out with. It’s called Food for Thought, and I’m involved in the silent auction committee. The event is a celebrity chef charity event whose proceeds benefit Big Thought, one of the nation’s leading nonprofits focused on building partnerships that allow all children access to quality learning opportunities.  A silent auction, for those of you that don’t know, is when you bid for items  on a list next to the item at the event, rather than announcing out loud to the guy with the hammer who says ‘going, going, gone!’ To the Friends fans out there, think of the episode when Joey accidentally buys a boat. That’s a silent auction. My role is to basically ring up perfect strangers and ask them to donate things in the name of charity. I’ve also been put up for auction myself, which is a bit weird. I offered my accent as the thing to bid for, as the Americans go mad for it, and also I don’t believe in prostitution. (It’s a joke mum, I would have just been waitressing at someone’s dinner party or something.) The event is in September and is black-tie optional. I’m def opting in now I have the outfit!

Other than that, it’s been a normal two weeks. Dinner and/or drinks with various friends, a couple of nights out, babysitting my new favourite person ever (baby Jack). Still loving Dallas, still not missing English weather, and best of all, Josh booked his flights to come see me! Am determined to out-tan him. This may be difficult with my casper-like skin versus having relatives from Ghana but I’m going to try!!

Baby jack <3

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