Thursday, 10 May 2012

Top Golf

Last Friday was the company’s two year anniversary, and to celebrate, the team was taken to play Top Golf for the afternoon. I had no idea what to expect, and was not thrilled about an afternoon of golf (I’ve never been known for my skills in hand-to-eye coordination). I had been told there would be food and beer so I thought there was going to be at least one part of the event that I’d enjoy.

 It was so fun! This is what Top Golf is:

It’s like a field of dartboards, and you have to get your golf ball in the holes. You’re put in teams and you can decide whether to compete amongst yourselves, or against another team. I’ve never been good at anything, so never felt the urge to be competitive - there’s no point unless you actually stand a good chance at winning, or you’re just constantly a disappointment to yourself. Well, I got competitive at this, because I was actually good! I was on a team with Candiance and Patrick, who is my boss, and I beat both of them twice!

I once read somewhere that girls have better coordination after one or two drinks, which would explain why I was on top form for the first two games. This is generally why I only play pool at the pub after a drink or two, because I am terrible otherwise. I mean truly awful. When Josh and I play pool on occasion, he gives me two shots to his every one, and even then it’s a struggle to win. Hugh and I once played and neither of us potted a ball in over 30 mins, I’m not joking. So yes, unfortunately my winning streak began to be slightly impaired by Corona, and my next two games were not so good. I swung so badly at one point that I nearly upset a bucket of golf balls, which were about three feet away from the actual ball I was aiming for. One or two beers will improve you to no end, beers number 3 and 4 undo all skill that you thought you had, and then you suck at sports once more.

Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.

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