Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Six month summary

Goodness gracious me. I have been living in Dallas for HALF A YEAR! That is pure madness, it seems to have flown, yet also feels like Christmas and my leaving drinks were so long ago… Time is a funny thing.
Here is a quick summary of my life since living in Texas y’all!

·         First and foremost, I have a tan. That’s right my doubtful readers, a goddamn SUNTAN! I love Dallas weather (discounting the fact that it rained on July 1st which was not appreciated in the slightest). The suns shines a lot here, and the heat… oh man, it is fabulous! We had our first 100° day a few weeks ago (that’s 38° for the people who work in celsius) and it has continued in a similar fashion ever since. Most people who have lived here longer than six months hate this time of year, and bless the lord above for inventing air conditioning. When I first got here and reveled in the fact that I would actually experience a real summer, rather than the crap offering of drizzle that England provides, everyone scoffed and said, ‘just you wait’. They thought I would become one of them, who appreciate rain, a cool wind, and overcast days. Yeah right. I’m from ENGLAND, where sunshine means whipping out the shorts from the back of the wardrobe, regardless of whether it’s actually warm or not.

·         I like my job. I don’t know if this is unusual or not, but thought I should throw it out there in case I’m in a rare situation. And since it’s why I came over here in the first place, it deserves a mention. I’m a marketing manager, to anyone who didn’t know or actually cares, and to be honest, I was a little nervous before I started as I didn’t know much about either marketing or managing. But I’d like to think I do now! To my great relief the ‘manager’ part means I manage all the marketing work, rather than other marketers, which was my initial impression. I had been worried that I might be in charge of managing other human beings in their jobs which was nerve-wracking due to the aforementioned lack-of-knowledge-in-the-marketing-area. Incidentally, I like to think of myself as a ‘marketeer’ rather than a marketer as I think it sounds more fun.

·         I have an unhealthy relationship with food. This isn’t much of a revelation, as I’ve always been greedy. But still, it is no surprise to me why America is the fattest nation on earth – food is everywhere here. EVERYWHERE! Great big billboards on the side of the road, screaming YOU ARE HUNGRY! COME AND EAT AT OUR RESTAURANT. TRIPLE-SUPER SIZED-FRIED DELICIOUSNESS THAT YOU MUST HAVE NOW! Complete with huge yummy pictures that make you drool a bit. All restaurants give you free unlimited chips and salsa, or free bread. If you order a drink of coke, sprite, etc, you get free refills. And supersize isn’t just an option at restaurants, it’s a standard. All the fast food places advertise similar deals – 32 cents for a 32 oz. drink, which translates to 20p for just under a litre of liquid sugar. I don’t know why I keep going on about fizzy drinks because I barely touch them, but you get my gist. Food is a bargain here. Enormous portions of beautifully fried foods, and so so cheap. It’s dangerous. Seriously, I have very little willpower. I ballooned up when I first got here and thankfully have lost most of it again, but it worries me because I love to eat. And when free food is put in front of me, I don’t say no.

·         I think I’m in love. This one is probably the one that worries me the most, mainly because the man in question is 1 year old and already way out of my league. Ladies and gentlemen: Jack Dailey, heartbreaker.

Ready for the pool <3

I've run out of points for now, you’ll be glad to know. I miss London but I love that the sun shines all the time here. I miss everyone back home, but I've met a lot of fun people here. I miss not having to go to the gym to justify the huge meals I eat, but I know it’s good for me (stupid gym). 

It would be nice if my two homes weren't 4,751 miles apart though…

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