Monday, 26 November 2012


Here is a list of the food I have eaten almost exclusively over the last week:
  • Turkey
  • Stuffing
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Green bean casserole
  • Cranberry sauce (I’ve eaten so much of it that it counts as a food, not a condiment)
  • Pie
  • More pie

It has been absolute carb city, but I am still not bored of it. Imagine having a Christmas dinner every day for a week. Heaven!

I love Thanksgiving so much. It's a holiday about food! OK no, it's about being thankful really I suppose, but I'm thankful for Thanksgiving. It was fun, having a four day weekend, and spending time with my friends. It felt a bit like Christmas!

We had an office Thanksgiving Potluck on Tuesday, where everyone brought a dish to share. I made a chocolate mousse pie, which everyone was very impressed with.

It was actual Thanksgiving on Thursday; we had a second (technically my third) Thanksgiving on Friday at a friend’s house; Saturday and Sunday consisted of leftovers, and now here we are!

I really enjoyed Friday. There were about 15 of us; the house was really busy and noisy; we played board games and did a puzzle – it felt like one of my crazy family’s Christmases. We had four types of pie: pumpkin, chocolate, cherry cheesecake, and pecan. I think I really liked that day especially because I’m not going to be having a big Christmas this year, like I normally do. I leave Dallas for Buenos Aires on December 24th and land on Christmas Day at about 8am, after a 16 hour journey, so Christmas, presents and turkey are going to be way low on my priority list, beneath sleep, sleep and more sleep. (Plus a little dash of stress of trying to find the apartment Josh and I are staying in for a week, on my own. Probably need to buy an English-Spanish phrasebook! And a map.)

It will come as no surprise that I ate until I was about to burst, and then ate a bit more. It’s a wonderful holiday, we should start celebrating it in England. Meanwhile, I need to go to the gym…

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