Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas Party

Last week I had my first ever office Christmas party. Instead of boozing it up at the office, or going out for a meal, we decided to do something a little different; something to remember… We went to Medieval Times!
For those of you that don’t know, Medieval Times is a staged medieval-style show, with sword fighting, and jousting, and you get a medieval-style dinner too which you must eat with your fingers, no cutlery provided (think chicken drumsticks, ribs and potato wedges) while you're watching the show. It's even set in a castle.

Medieval Times, Dallas

When you arrive, you are assigned a knight, and he will be the one you are cheering for during the show. We had the Red and Yellow knight, Lord del Font - champion to the Count of Perelada. There was a King and Princess announcing the ‘tournament’ who spoke in terrible attempts at English accents, and you watched as the knights battled for the Princess’ hand in marriage while eating your dinner. We also had unlimited alcoholic beverages which obviously made the show even more exciting, with every cocktail consumed!

it was a 'knight' to remember

All the waiters and bar staff had to address you as ‘m’lord’ or ‘m’lady’ which got a bit annoying after a while but not their fault I suppose. Our waiter looked like the main character from the film Antz which I found hilarious, although no-one else could see it. Come to think of it, I’d had quite a few piƱa coladas by this point…

Anyway, there was also a falconer (is that a word?) who sent his falcon flying over the audience. He has a long rope thing that had meat attached to the end, which he swung round to make the falcon fly. (On an immature side note, I am genuinely intrigued if anyone gets pooed on during these shows. Luckily I did not find out the hard way, but I’m sure it must happen!)

One man and his bird

It was a fun night, getting to meet everyone at work’s other halves, and getting quite drunk with them! Going to work the next day was not so fun, especially as a few of us decided to go out drinking afterwards, despite having had unlimited drinks at the show. I got home at about 1am and had to be at work at 9, which was an hour later than usual (forever grateful that our start time was pushed back a bit, don’t know if I could have struggled to get out of bed any earlier). 

To everyone at my office, it was a great night to end a great year of working with you great people. Thank you!

I'll miss you guys!

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