Monday 21 May 2012

It's an ego thing

I am fairly new to the blogging world, but I really like it. It's a way to share your thoughts with those who will listen. Seriously though, I really think blogging is egotistical: I'm not going to lie - I check my stats every now and then to see how many times people have read me, myself and I, and what I have to say - and then I tell people the numbers because honestly, I'm excited that someone noticed me!

My mum once told me, as a joke I think, that one of the main reasons I like to cook at home is because I want to please people - I always make her, my brother, my boyfriend, whoever, try something while it is in progress, but only if it tastes good - it's just a different approach to self affirmation. Not going to lie, was slightly offended by this (and this is another example of egotism, as I bet she doesn't even remember making the offhand comment, while I've dwelled upon it!) but really, she was right. If I cook something tasty, I want everyone to know, and be as impressed with me as I am with myself. Now, realistically, I like to cook foremost because, let's face it, I like to eat. (see But yes, I also like to show people that I can be good at something!

To me, blogging is the same. I didn't start a blog for me - essentially, this is a kind of egotistical diary, if you will, but I'm not the only one. Everyone who blogs, writes so that people will read. It's the easiest way to share information, tell your friends your dreams and desires and worst fears, without boring them to death with repetitive emails of 'I did this and I did that' - a blog gives the atmosphere of intrigue, of interest, that the same message in your facebook inbox would meet a reaction similar to, 'oh god, here she goes again'.

Anyone who blogs, is writing in the hopes that people will like what they hear (or read?) and continue to listen. I unashamedly admit this! It is a way to share my thoughts about my life here in Texas, without becoming an endless bore with my FB status updates or 'tweets' (I really hate that term but don't know what else to say as it's the correct one to use). It's a way to vent, it's a way to be creative, and essentially, it's a way to help understand if what you have to say is really worth hearing.

Having said that, I've been doing a lot of blog reading recently, and some people are really really really worth reading (I wont say more than me, but maybe as well as!):

A friend of mine is travelling in India, so when she writes, I like to see what she's been up to

Some people use blogging as a way to assist them into a career they want to pursue (call this free promotion Smit, you can repay me one day by getting me a free pair of Jimmy Choos from your connections at Vogue :P ):

Some want to pour their heart out, because writing can help them gain control of the pain they have been feeling:

And if you want to laugh, read the older posts especially here, as this girl is hilarious, and has awesome illustrations:

Ultimately though, we want you to read: we're writing with an audience in mind - we don't even have to know them. Google analytics tells me that I have followers in India and Australia, for example (guess what my ego has to say about that!) Blogging is all about who it reaches; it's the same as when a facebook status you're really proud of, gets 15 'likes'. Nothing like a shameless ego boost on a Monday night :P


  1. I love you for telling the complete egotistical truth ABL. And fyi, I've had 6 people check out my blog after being referred from this post :p God bless Google analytics!

    1. Glad to be of service Flora ;) who's the PR whiz now?! lol
